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Policy for Prevention of Violence

Integrity and respect for all are integral elements of our corporate profile, contributing to our evolution and smooth progress. Our corporate principles constitute a human-centered workspace where each employee’s personality is developed while offering equal opportunities for advancement.

Respect and dignity for all employees indiscriminately are our unwavering rule.

The purpose of this policy is to highlight and ensure a work environment that cares for the preeminent respect of all human rights, particularly human dignity, as well as the right of every individual to work in a space free from violence and harassment.

Pillars Hellas declares that it recognizes, respects, and takes measures to maintain and enhance the right of every employee not to be subjected to any form of violence or harassment and demonstrates zero tolerance from whomever and to whomever it may come from.


The scope includes all personnel associated with Pillars:

  • with a dependent employment contract (indefinite or fixed-term, full-time or part-time)
  • with a contract for work
  • with a contract for independent services
  • under a service assignment
  • under an apprenticeship contract
  • under a loan agreement
  • employed through third-party service providers
  • volunteers
  • individuals seeking employment
  • individuals whose employment relationship with the company has ended

Violence and Harassment

All forms of violence and harassment, manifested during work or related to it, or arising from it, are prohibited, including gender-based violence and sexual harassment.

  1. a) “Violence and harassment” refers to forms of behavior, actions, practices, or threats thereof, aiming at, leading to, or likely to lead to physical, psychological, sexual, or economic harm, whether occurring individually or repeatedly.
  2. b) “Harassment” refers to forms of behavior that aim at or result in the violation of a person’s dignity and the creation of a hostile, offensive, humiliating, demeaning, or aggressive environment, regardless of whether they constitute discrimination, and includes harassment based on gender or for other reasons of discrimination.
  3. c) “Gender-based harassment” refers to forms of behavior associated with a person’s gender, which aim at or result in the violation of that person’s dignity and the creation of a hostile, offensive, humiliating, demeaning, or aggressive environment. These forms of behavior include sexual harassment, as well as forms of behavior associated with the person’s sexual orientation, expression, identity, or gender characteristics.


Preventive Measures for Incidents of Violence and Harassment.

The Company reiterates its zero tolerance for any incident of violence and harassment, in any form it may take, including sexual harassment and gender-based violence, which occurs in or in connection with the workplace, perpetrated by an employee against another employee, by a supervisor, by an authorized person acting as an employer, by a customer, visitor, supplier, or any third party.

The Company takes all appropriate and necessary measures with the aim of both preventing and addressing and managing such incidents and forms of behavior. Specifically, Pillars:

  • Provides information as well as appropriate training to its employees regarding the handling of incidents of violence and harassment, their management, responsibilities, and rights.
  • Oversees the implementation of this policy and takes action regarding employees who do not comply.
  • Ensures a work environment that is safe and fair.
  • Imposes necessary and appropriate sanctions in case prohibited forms of behavior are identified from any employee, customer, visitor, or supervisor.

Prevention and Handling of Violence and Harassment Incidents

With the aim of preventing and addressing incidents of violence and harassment in the workplace, it is advisable for employees to:

  • Seek comprehensive and objective information regarding the legislation concerning violence and harassment and the protection mechanisms. The Company may provide assistance and information on these matters.
  • Participate in actions and programs aimed at combating stereotypes, prejudices, and adverse discrimination.
  • Correct their behavior when they realize it is bothering or offending a colleague or collaborator.
  • Establish their individual boundaries with those around them.
  • Not ignore incidents of violence and harassment.
  • Not feel uncomfortable, ashamed, or blame themselves for the perpetrator’s behavior.
  • Not justify the perpetrator’s behavior.
  • Reject or calmly and decisively address violent or harassing behavior.
  • Keep a journal with details of incidents of violence and harassment.
  • Inform their supervisor or the company through informal, open, and sincere dialogue.
  • Submit a written complaint via email for further support to: in case a resolution regarding the complaint concerning violence or harassment in the workplace is not achieved.

Any employee who experiences any incident of violence and harassment may submit a verbal or written complaint to the Human Resources Manager, who is designated as the “contact person” for this policy. The complaint cannot be submitted anonymously.

The Human Resources Manager thoroughly investigates each complaint and gathers any necessary evidence related to it. She is obligated to conduct the investigation process objectively and impartially. Additionally, she must treat all involved parties with respect and handle the matter confidentially and discreetly. Fully disclosing or publicizing information concerning the investigated complaint to non-involved parties is strictly prohibited.

These obligations also apply to the company’s management during the final stage of decision-making and measures implementation.

Upon completion of the investigation by the Human Resources Manager, she submits a written report to the company’s management, stating the findings of the investigation. The results of the investigation are also communicated to both the complainant and the accused so they can be aware of them. The completion of the investigation and submission and communication of the HR Manager’s findings must take place as soon as possible and in any case no later than 3 weeks from the date of complaint submission by the complainant.

In the event that the occurrence of a violence and harassment incident is confirmed, the company’s management takes all necessary, appropriate, and proportional measures against the accused on a case-by-case basis. These measures may include, but are not limited to: a) recommendation for compliance, b) changing the work position, schedule, location, and manner of work provision, c) termination of the employment or collaboration contract with the company.