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Equality and Diversity Policy

The equality and diversity policy aims to encourage a supportive and inclusive culture among employees. At Pylones we believe it is in everyone’s interest to promote diversity and eliminate all forms of discrimination in the workplace.

Purpose of equality and diversity policy

The purpose of the policy is to prevent and combat any form of discrimination, due to personal characteristics and choices, that manifests itself during work, whether it is connected to it, or arises from it. Our aim is to ensure that equal opportunities are provided to all employees and job applicants and that no section of society is excluded. It is recognized that every employee is respected and can give their best.

Application field

This policy applies to our company. Consent or acceptance may however be requested from suppliers and partners.

Policy details

This policy reinforces the company’s commitment to provide equality and fairness to all employees and not allow less favorable conditions or facilities or treatment because of age, caring responsibilities, disability, marital status, gender expression, gender identity, pregnancy and maternity, origin , colour, nationality, religion or belief, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, etc..

All Pylones employees, regardless of the form and time of their employment with the company (part-time, full-time or temporary), will receive fair treatment and respect. The selection of candidates for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit will be based on an assessment of their abilities, skills and performance. Employees will receive help and encouragement to develop their full potential and utilize their unique talents.

We commit:

• To create an environment in which individual differences and group contributions are recognized and valued
• To create a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for every employee.
• To have zero tolerance for any form of bullying or harassment and to impose disciplinary action on those who violate this policy
• That training, development and advancement opportunities are available to all staff.
• To promote equality in the workplace
• Encourage anyone who feels they have been discriminated against to raise their concerns so we can take remedial action
• To encourage employees to treat everyone with dignity and respect.